Uniting with Purpose: How PPCR, 505-Junk, and Richmond Chamber are Restoring Richmond’s Shores

A Record-Breaking Cleanup with Platinum Pro-Claim Restoration

For Platinum Pro-Claim Restoration, our purpose goes beyond restoring homes – it’s about developing people, caring for the planet, building communities, and making a tangible difference. This year, our involvement in the Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup echoed that sentiment more than ever.

An Expanding Collaboration for the Greater Good

Since our first cleanup in 2016, we’ve been unwavering in our commitment to protect and restore the Richmond shoreline. Over the years, Platinum Pro-Claim Restoration has removed a whopping 22,800 lbs of debris from our beautiful shores. In 2021, realizing the potential of collective effort, we proudly partnered with 505-Junk. This collaboration led to our most significant cleanup yet – a massive 8,000 lbs of debris removed in just one year.

This year, eager to create an even broader impact, we collaborated with the Richmond Chamber of Commerce. These partnerships signify our drive to unify our community under one common goal: a cleaner, greener future.

Tripling Our Efforts: Three Parks, One Mission

Our dedicated teams spanned three major locations this year: Garry Point Park, Terra Nova Rural Park, and Nelson Road. In total, our combined efforts resulted in an astounding 2,800 lbs of debris collected. Even more impressively, we managed to divert 89% of this debris from landfills! This achievement serves as a testament to our dedication to not just cleaning up but ensuring our efforts contribute to a sustainable future.

This is an image of CEO of Platinum Pro-Claim and the Pro-Claim Group, Tony Scott,and co-owner of 505-Junk, Scott Foran.
Scott Foran, 505 Junk & Tony Scott, Pro-Claim Group

Items We Recovered

Our shores, while picturesque, were marred by a myriad of waste. From cans and nets to cigarette butts, tires, metal, and other garbage – our teams tirelessly scoured the beaches, ensuring every piece was picked up and properly disposed of.

Special Acknowledgements

Our heartfelt gratitude goes out to the incredible organizers who made this event possible. However, the real heroes of the day were the enthusiastic volunteers. Their unwavering commitment to our cause made all the difference. We were also honoured to have local MP Parm Bains join us. His involvement boosted our spirits and emphasized the importance of such community-driven initiatives.

Tony Scott, Parm Bains and Shaena Furlong address the volunteers of the Shoreline Cleanup. They are thanking them for their contributions to their community.
Tony Scott, CEO of Pro-Claim Group | Parm Bains, MP | Shaena Furlong, President & CEO of Richmond Chamber of Commerce

Our Purpose Echoed in Every Pickup

Platinum Pro-Claim Restoration exists to help those in need, whether it’s restoring a home after a disaster or cleaning up our local shoreline. Every can, net, or tire we pick up from our shores ties back to our central mission. By developing our people, caring for our planet, and building our communities, we’re restoring homes in the broadest sense – making our world a cleaner, safer place for all.

In every endeavour, we strive to live by our purpose. We invite others to join us, whether in future cleanups or other community initiatives, to build a brighter and more sustainable tomorrow.

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Published on September 20, 2023